Unlabelled one

The world is a huge place.Indeed our options are becoming unlimited in every aspect we are touching in.Likewise the so called 'ists' and 'ers' are becoming huge just like the data flow everyday.
In our twitter we can see various people claiming to be feminists,sexits,racists,chavaunists,body shamers,trollers etc etc.Facebook does an age check of minimum 13 for person.The parents should have a faint knowledge on how their children are tackling up with the social media.The Children from 13-18 years are more entrapped to this kind of bullying,adults are a bit more resilient to these kind of things but we have seen latter taking off their lives too for some small incidents leading to ghastly choices.
The virtual world we have created ourselves actually became a part of us,some people are being trolled for being fat.We can't expect our bodies to be fabulous all the way.We can't exactly predict  what others definition of fabulous means either.who  is to be blamed in this,people who trolled the other for being fat or the person who took it rather sensitively knowing that out there the body shamers are like this.We have seen celebs  shutting off these type of people and getting appreciated,some maybe true some may not be true.The feminists and equal rights people are whole different section.It is true,woman are most likely surpassed in my instances,but there is a serious confusion among people and rifts and rows are created centred around the basic idea of feminism.If a woman is harassed or raped we should voice our opinion true,so true.If a man is harassed or raped then why do people who classify themselves as feminist are making are making a joke out of it.They were ridiculed as a man can't handle himself,defenceless how ridiculous.This is the complete opposite of feminism,it is clearly about being in someone's aid and raise your voice irrespective of gender.It's an unending process and stories if we take example in every section.
In this huge and cruel world.enough is enough.Is the phrase live and let live is becoming that tough.I want to shout out to all the people be unlabelled,be unbranded don't call yourself anything.The only thing you can do is live happily and let others be happy.If a person is harassed support them.If a person is trolled be with them,irrespective of the other gender and their personality.One should know the limits,if a person is feeling uncomfortable with our jokes on them.STOP IT! right there.
It is our personality,character and our  choices that show us what we are capable of and who we are,and it's time for us to unveil our inner superheroes.


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