A surgical strike on common man

Rich man's war ,poor man blood seems to be the current state our country is living in.No,I am not with any political party or agenda just a common man expressing his  views.
When our government issued a ban of 500 rupee notes and 1000 notes everybody cheered and congratulated him on his new move.Social media became very creative,lot of memes and hashtags with artistic tweets flowed in.This abolition of black money using demonetization is a great plan with strategic future unfortunately flawed implementation to its core.
The rich will always be rich.poor man is always poor,this is the harsh truth nobody will change that.We are not Robin Hood to change that,our PM isn't one either.This authoritative step by him is again affecting the  middle class.
  When our govt announced this so called new era and announced ATM's will be closed .We channaites(people of Chennai) have a bit experience how exactly it is going to work as we got some  experience from yester year with no money and water.The common man who is working for 9-5 in his small desk is standing in the line instead of the real culprit.Why should he suffer? Why should it always be him?
The rich people who predominantly belong to  politicians,celebrities or big shots from various fields are not  standing in queue for 2-3 hours near banks or ATM's.They secured their money with their cunning ways and genius helpful friends.What good will the new 2000 make if he wants just 500 worth.
  This maybe a great initiative step but it is flawed to the very core.It's high time government  should actually think how much collateral damage is done while they want to go ahead to catch the big fish.What they thought of collateral seems to be permanent damage.Every thing went to stale state .

There are some serious issues now.
When will the new 500 rupees come into implementation ?
Where are the promised 50 rupee notes in ATM?
What is happening with rural India which is dawdling about card payments ?
The media is always two faced.It is showing applauds of this master plans and pointing out the problems of people which isn't ironic because that's what media does.It makes us introspect on our beliefs and finally making us to  believe in them .The government should really take some necessary action.The demonetization is a great plan but when it's wrongfully implemented it causes chaos to everything.


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