Human mind is the most fascinating object isn't it?same do the memory.The mechanism of this brain is nothing less than a finely tuned machine and the way  that people percepts through brain is indubitably amazing.
    Recently,i learned in some news that the memory plays a vital role in every domestic life and even in the hunger in many cases like lunch and dinner people used to get tuned to a particular timing rt?we get a particular uneasy sensation that  if our food  doesn't go in the right time something is gonna happen.our feeling increases to more extent though if we are not hungry.This the general tendency of people and the memory itself decides when to eat?what to eat?where to stop our meal?how much our body can accustom?
     The same theory applies to a memory loss patient if his actual meal is served at 12pm and if the food is brought at around at 11pm he eats it completely without complaining and in again an hour if he is given the same quantity of  food he eats it 75%  of the food and when it served again in a gap of 30 min he wants to eat but he cannot because his stomach cannot accustom anymore now in this case he will complain saying he cannot have any more food.
      Now,applying the same theory to a normal human being(without memory loss) after the completion of meal the body can have some food but its the memory that keeps stopping us and buzz  that already intake of food is done and similarly when no food is  taken at appropriate time the same thing happens and this is what that keep us bothering and makes our uneasiness to a great extent more than the real hunger itself
      Unanimously,one have to agree that memory is the key role in one's life and their is no replacement of this object which is replacement for this so called memory.
       Though bewildered and awestruck by facts like these.memory is still a stupefying agent..........


  1. some have good memory and some have poor memory..wats the reason behind this!!!!!!!!!!!


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