Our main aim is to definetely establish an equality among the rich and the backward classes of our country.this is what we often hear from our very own leaders once in 5 years.but we are never tired of this cliche.everytime they promise us something new.i goes to my college on bus where i can see the exact scenario of our country,a white colored mercedes travels on the side of the road and the owner is completely excited with its brand new look and a old woman having a hunchback knocks on the door to give just a rupee.the owner immediatly swooshes her away saying that you know what is the value of the car..many citizens like us see and think how draconian this is..and others think this is common 'yeh desh aisa he hai,chalta rahta hai'
when i come home and switch on my tv there will be a main headline scrolling in ibn that gautam gambhir is the highest player sold in this ipl..with a whooping amount.where is this country going?
many actors like bigB quoted that slumdog millionaire is not the present situation of india and acclaimed danny boyle for depicting the country like this.but this the real situation that prevails in our country.our slums depict complex relations existing between two ethnic groups,civilians of different income levels.the movie clearly caught the vibrancy of india.one queation is still obfuscating me have we done this to ourselves?is equality is really an idea gone astray?

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  1. ofcourse i am tired of that cliche pranee.but wat to do...sometimes i feel too much democracy ruined us..lets hope to get good days...‎'yeh desh aisa he hai,chalta rahta hai'.... aisa bolne valon ko javab dena chahiye.......its also a kind of enlightment 4 them..
    gud thought to write on equality


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