taking just a piece of bible and describing it in a pictographical way was the toughest thing i had ever we can observe the god hands and adam's hands never touch..
the long beard man is described as god..who is an elderly person along with his age,wisdom and who is the omnipotence..and the naked man is described as adam..who is getting his life..the scenario also justifies many things..first of all consider the background of is like the exact picture of a human brain including the brain stem and pitutuary gland.And the green colored scarf hanging out is the accurate replica of umbilical is also to say that that god is the adam's imagination..creating such a beautiful masrerpiece at that century without having any advancement in technology is the bwaniest thing..the fresco is really a high elited masterpiece..
This fresco clearly represents the hypothetical imagination of human brain which our very beloved humanoid machines cannot.this is definetely just a piece of thought turned into a fresco from his polymath brain..May be today he is smiling up in the sky when people come and admire his painting..without knowing his inner intentions.....
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