Stphen hawking and many other scientists said that life beyond earth can't be possible.But even in the antiquity times people assumed that cosmos consists of many worlds and propably inhabited by people far more intelligent than the humans.Many civilisations held these theories for years.Inspite of all that NASA conducted many direct and indirect reasearches for these terrestrial activities even though many planets are thousand of light years far away from our planet.Though many of these reasearches are not fruitful but many interesting conclusions were drawn which are threads of answers to many others questions yet to be answered.The 20th and 21st centuries gained a lot of experiance in that way.
Aliens is the word of survival for hollywood and it is living on it since ages."If aliens visits us the outcome would be as much as when columbus landed in america,which didn't turn out well for the native americans"this is what Hawking said in the past.Will the earth turn out like what Spielberg had shown us?Can we able to communicate with them in a friendly way?
These are the intruding questions which makes the human spine shiver even today.
i cant say about communication with them...but i strongly believe in the existence of aliens...