The Lion,The Muse and the Rat

A new idea,flashed in my mind and here i am presenting it.The 'Inglorious Basterds' is a beautiful war drama/comedy directed by Quentin Tarantino. The characters portrayed in the movie are so relatable to our period too.So, here are our characters. CAST: Hans,Landa - Putin Shoshanna -Ukraine It just looked like a landscape taken out a painting and set in motion.It's rich history and beautifully cut mountains made them alluring as the majestic Alps.The place is called Crimea,which camouflaged its bloodshed just like the non-saline sea,that is protecting it.A man fought for it,won it and lost to his peer,Men lost their minds playing puppets for the sake of power.The history repeated itself over and over.Our Hans,Landa once again wants to restore the balance.He made a move,a mighty move.The world was shocked by these unforeseen events.He wants to liberate the truthful Russians who were struck in Baltic area.He just wants to deliver a message out there loud an...