feminism in india

the recent incident what i read just now is making me to write this blog.a school teacher is being raped and her life is quelled by gang of basterds.this scenario depicts the current situation in prevailing our country.this the nation that witnessed jhansi rani,indira gandhi and now sonia and nirupama.what is this?is this country what we are seeking for?is what we have gained in 64 years of independence?parents send their princess' with lot of hope and eyes filled with aspiration hoping their child will come to a supreme positon.what prudential can we give to our generation?everyone tells their how to act like a stenorian.but this is not we are aspiuring for.people often refer strong women are those who appear in forbes andelite people.but real and strong women are those who travel lonely in the local trains,vendors,students etc.where is this going? im really bad that today being celebrated as women's day im writing this.....

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