The recent statistics taken in march,2011 is quite aberrant and the projections of CSR(child sex ratio) really created a buzz among everyone and are also dismal.
   The  CSR statistics that were given  seems to be very irrational.The women and child ratio development are the worst that the country has ever ever seen.The discrimination that the people are giving to the gender can be clearly seen.The gender sensitive and the the girl sensitive society is very much prone in our country especially in the rural parts and in the northern states of our country and the parts of south india seemed to be better.The main drawbacks for this ratio seems to be simple but very rational and the adolescent girls facing problems in the society even in the urban and the desire for having a male child are the root causes for these statistics
  The national average of the girls for every 1000 males is 914 and is declining every year and it is most likely taking place between the children of age group 0-6 and the female foeticide is the most frightening thing that is prevailing in our country.The adult ratio is gradually increasing every year and the resulting in a least female ratio and in the places like jhajjir which is having the highest literacy rate the ratio depicts the worst scenario and csr rate is very poor and this is a place where drinking water at daughter's residence is considered as a thing which cannot be social and their very own daughter's are not welcomed to their natal homes
  The people especially in our country are preferring male child and it is considered as a pride mark when a male child is born in that family and the prestige will take them to heights in the society and not a joke when i learnt that 3d images were developed to decide about the sex of foetus and then they are deciding whether to have a child or not
   The pratical figures are standing example to this kind of the society and the child marriages and some the rituals that are performed are not escaping media's eye
   The people who are the senior citizens  who witnessed and experienced their whole life are claiming that it is a fact they are experiencing the shortage of brides.What is this?
   Is a woman or a girl only meant for a wedding purpose?Is she just a creature that is meant only for giving birth to other beings.Then why is this discrimination?Why this many foeticides and why this killings?
   Is this good for a developing country like us?Why is the understanding flawed?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. your are rite re, you asked many questions na before i answer those questions let me clarify one thing in our state CSR is not difference as you said, may be it is the initiation . . .

    hope so . . .


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