Its not going to be the same when your sister who had just entered into her teens is becoming your baby-sitter and is like acting like a guardian angel to you.It is good for sometime  later that in some situations you fell very embarrassed and get easily carried away and become acerbated and seriously this is not a joke.No one believes until they get practicality right...mine is also just the same..
   When i went to a restaurant along with my sister i ordered some heavy fat food neglecting the buzz alarm that is ringing in my head and not enough space in my mind for counting calories.My smart ass sister immediately gave a 'watch-out your sick look' and gave the waiter who is so lanky a list of options that i swear i didn't heard or they do not exist may be because they are completely eco-friendly in nature.The waiter gave her a look that which planet are you existing in?im totally shocked by the way she gave a list in which the food is useless and nothing is there in it no protein,no fat,no carbohydrates and its just may be solid form of water other than ice and which got some color
    I got damn tired of all these things and i don't know why are teenage girls giving top priority for food on their hit list and whats in my mind instead giving such vain food orders and watch outs for foods,skipping up the breakfasts they can eat healthy(which have good nutrition in it) and do some exercises which keep them healthy.And these girls should obviously should avoid alcohol for their own health consciousness 
   I think thats the exact definition of staying fit is quite contradictory instead trying to escape the delightful dishes and why are this girls interested in chocolates??and why do they ask much for ice-creams and all that stuff which contain so much heavy fat food and why do they avoid indian sweets??answer seems to be simple but so complicated..They can have their own 0 sizes from yoga and good exercises that maintain their good physique by considering a nutritionist.
  Health consciousness just should just become a part of our life style it shouldn't design our life and say good-byes to our lovable foods................


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