I still remember my day in english lab because im the one who won and i made everybody to agree with me as that day being an english lab internal we had a 5 min group discussion on whether the schemes given to farmers should be extended or they should be minimized.First everyone gave their own opinions on the topic.Later i totally disagreed with everyone and gave my opinion on the topic that the schemes shouldn't be curbed but rather they should be minimized as they are having an adverse affect on the middle-class families.That's it i made the statement and everyone started to agree with me expect one guy.As majority of us stated the same and time progressed he had no chance left expect to agree.That's it GD ended well.
    Yesterday when i took out the hindu newspaper a writer wrote an article called "our farmers are dying,to hell with the world cup" this only article made me to change my mind.
     Before reading of  this article i used to have an opinion that the government is having sweet tooth on farmers.But the real scenario is very far from what we have expected.
     I kid u not,but i swear im telling the truth the electricity that we are using in a day and night match can be used for the farmer to irrigate his crops for more than a few weeks.Week,then what is the government doing?
     I think now comes the nightmare the interest rate provided  for the farmer for buying a tractor is 15 percent and a new mercedes its just 6 percent...what is this?even the irrigation schemes given to farmers are also worst.Yet he got to face every season's disaster and supply the food
      Where are we standing?The media has seriously done its job very well.The repeated telecasts of world cup and the talk shows with the cricketers gone very well.This the news this doesn't mean that other news are not there the truth like these about the farmers were hidden in wraps.
       Now there are a lots of questions arising why is this happening in our own country?why is the government not taking actions on these?why is the media also giving importance to celebrities tweets than the farmer's suicide
       Everyone of us know the fact that people of  india(about 67% are living less than Rs.20 a day).Now this the same government showing a bare hands to farmers and giving villas to cricketers and free air tickets for their life time.
       Why are the people not aware of this facts?Is agriculture really the backbone of our country?Can we assure 9 percent growth in the next fiscal years?.These are the questions spinning my head now..No,i think i got to contradict my own opinion how can the government see the farmer while it is busy in its own scams
       Now im really sorry for the mistake what i commited in my GD.Now in one point im very clear being a farmer is really a curse albeit india being a agricultural based country.


  1. Kiss of death?? Well Sorry babes as soon as i saw the Farmer word i didnt go thru the end..


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