After the break we are going to have a 30 min special shows,1 hr special show,our cover story and a quick recap on how the world is going to destruct?so dont miss it.The output is good,people are showing much interest on these shows and emerging media's are going go-getter types by these kind of shows.The trp ratings of the channels also increase rapidly so fast that even dalal street also cant see such growth.The reason is same people like to see these kind of shows and they like to have a discussion on it. A very good tea time and at a light-headed topic eventhough it is quite a break neck topic children used to ask doubts on that and the elders fell like they are the they are the own eschatologists who gave the phenomenon of 2012 and a clear pride is lit-up on the faces and the grand parents consider this as a mysticism and relate their own concepts on it and some predict the futurology.Youngsters are forced to take out the ear phones out now and should add their own contemporaries on itHowevert hey claim it as the vain topic also participate well..thats it dinner goes on well. The mayan calender and many buddhist,christian and chinese eschatologies predicted the doom's day.So one keen point to be observed is this belief is there since ages and the media is not present at thet time but may be the discussion is alwaya there.Oh!how can i forget the films?The 2012 turned out a blockbuster hit world wide and producers may not the predict when exactly the phenomena take place but their families are very happy by the the films response.The recent incidents like japan's tsunami added to the stronger belief's and the oppurtunity of this media incresed saying that the earth's crust is going to moing and the end of world is coming soon and all lives will be shattered. May be the world will end or not but this topic has surely the media's dividends and the this topic surely increased media's midas.............
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  1. Entertainment or treat, Togather,.. You call it information or warning,.. its up to you right...


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