May be the title itself may arise suspicions to everyone how can be the nuclear fuel be futile in nature.But the real statistics are far different from what we expect.The crisis in the 3 fukushima nuclear power status didn't come from the buildings that are collasped on march 11 by the behemoth earthquake of magnitude 8.9 but from the power failure that has occured in these plants. The japanese mayn't have feared about the tsunami alarms and by the earthquake but the aftermath of these misfortune is making people to have sleepless nights.Because the radiations levels at various areas of this power station began to rise ups and downs.Conditions of the nuclear plant detoriates and there is increasing consensus.Iodine is distributed to many parts of the country to make people immune against the radiations.And everyone of us know that these radiations may lead to thyroid,goitre and also problems related to cancer.In all channels we can see the headlines scrolling the radiation...