I turned on my TV and good news is popping on almost every channel "Monsoon takes grand entry in south India" i am really pleased to hear that i guess its not only me every one in my home town probably feels happy.After all the climate of my town reputation precedes its name whenever rain starts comes the first and only image that comes into my mind is flame of forest its weird totally its not the  hero,heroines from the famous rain songs,roses or anything its the petals of flame of forest not so beautiful but still smiles overwhelms me when i see these trees
                    This tree has a little history that connects with me.If members of the family are taken as elements then family will become set India is the super-set yes i think Indians are the only ones in the world who prefer to live in joint families well,as time changes people also will change same is the case with me previously we used to live in a joint family we used to have two trees near to us.Whenever its about to rain the wind would roar with pride making all petals a long flowery path and also making a flowery launch ramp to my house.When i was a kid, after returning from school i used to think the rain is meant only me somehow or other the god doesn't want my feet dirty that is the reason he made this path :) i used to stare of my window whole evening watching the drops of rain on each branch and every petal how the petals feels after it is touched my rain after a long summer and when it rains at night i peep out of my window if i had any chance of seeing the rain and i used to bet with my brother i will find the starting point of the rain today :) this is the reason why kids are happy they think everything is good

                   As time moved on,we left our house the tree of my dreams was cut.i got extremely depressed i was angry on my family on everyone who took my merriment away.
                   This is the advantage of being human we will move on some how or the other time matters thats all.We shifted to a new house and the flowery path is no more but even now when i am walking on a road and if rain comes unknowingly that excitement comes in me i smile myself and watching the trees around me.


  1. The 2nd paragraph so beautifully depicts the innocence and tenderness of a child's thought. While reading that paragraph I felt so happy remembering my own childhood. Thank you friend for writing this post. You made my day. You have a decent vocabulary, but you can still improve on your sentence formation skills. Cheers :)
    "Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hands and melting like a snowflake."


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