Fashion the name itself has heavy content camouflaged  in a single name though not very good in description forgiveness is divine thing folks..:P.
   I have to start with my own introspection.My pals  who are very fashionable always thinks too much about these style statements.Its just a word which starts with a capital f.i call it another F again with a capital.May be my friends are great chin stokers who spend half time in their wardrobes.My mind bugs me that am i born default?because i am a girl who doesn't much devote time much for fashion because fashion and trying to be sexy is something  that a mind has major part to contribute and not by outfits we wear .May be i sound ridiculous that why my friends considers me as a fashion disaster.
   According to the seasons the trends change the designer dresses,shoes,bags etc..:O(sorry im addicted to facebook )though the fashion models who portray a different looks with their dresses including their nails and practically  lady gaga's fashion cannot be adopted completely.The technology also plays a major role if u are well dressed  and versatile the phone u carry also has to be changed.Right from the top to bottom it has to be changed and the shoes also are a major trendsetters the high heels that a woman carry are a major fetishism and intoxication to a opposite sex's mind.Parties place a key role for these trends and pubbing also a lot to do with these days style statements
    Can anyone answer what fashion is to a woman?is it a time pass,passion whatever names we give its silhoutee of a woman in these days its embodied in woman's life.Its just the way we see similarly fashion defines a woman completely even though looks deceive is a crap statement made  these days may be its an escape from opposite sex.
    The fashion shows that are buzzing up these days are not actually required for a woman who is actually very fashionable.The girl from a village to the girl in metro carries her  own song.To many,fashion is just a liability.Whatever the consequences are one have to agree that fashion to a woman is what love is to lust.
  P.S:I am  deliberately admitting that i got the central idea to write this blog after reading an article in the economist.


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