History that cannot be abridged thats true i stand by my word when we go to bookstore we can have any book which have a abridged version but consider the indian history its the history that cannot have a simplified version and the history which has deep secrets burried in itself.some leaders are famous by their names and some are famous by their policies.I am not a chauvinist but the depicting the real patriotic feeling that our ancestors got but even though in these days may be  3/10 remember who wrote vandematram  and we cannot complain that as human memories are fading we cannot remember all these things its  a undeniable fact.
       But the tyranny and the colonialism that we have experienced is the worst and all we can do is saluting our freedom leaders for giving up their lives to the country and giving a rich culture country and giving a beautiful innocent country
          In this six decades of independence india got a complete different angle.Mainly in the cities we can see that significant changes and the youth actively attracting the other investors from the global  investors conglomerates are cherishing in their own way and giving employment to many people
         The flamboyancy that discussed so far has its blues when we come to the education part the right to education act that is the children should have cmpulsory education up to the age of14 years seems to be  a very far idea for the population of 121 crores the income spent on the education is just 4.1% whereas in a country like cuba with the population of 1.11 crore 18.7% of its GDP spent its not confounding for a country to gain a stupendous growth its the necessary thing
           The infrastructure remains still shattered dream because the infrastructure doesn't only include the rich buildings,well defined luxuries and all that it is not capable of giving the basic minimum things like providing drinking water and constructing proper bathrooms for the people
             Many children,women and men were sleeping under the bridges and pavements and spend their lives with the  mosquitoes the childhood is spent near factories and the slums rather than the schools and no need to mention about the corrupt leaders who are already corrupt.Democracy works only for some people and demagogues are surpassed and the brutality for the woman cannot be explained .The judgments given by our courts is very enjoyable for the terrorism groups and can plan for more grenades
            The same old concept remains prevalent since ages if  you think its the democracy its perfectly wrong it is the rich becomes rich and the poor remains poor and the people mindsets are still under wrath they need bans for every movie which has a real substance and which exhibits the real scenario of our country and our economy will get affected for every crisis in the world and bilateral relationships with our countries turns out in a paradoxical way.
              In this six decades of independence clearly india has pushed itself certain changes are the changes really adaptable?


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