We will fix it!

Thought 2: We will fix it! Fix what?any situation. Fixed by whom?my mom. Your mom?your mom too My mom? Every mom. I mean every woman Huh. On a hot sunday evening after having a nice siesta my mom made pakoda(awesome indian snack) along with tea which magically cures any headache.She works continously 15 or 16 hours a day and she thought i can use a break.So i did take a break from relaxing. Now imagine all your problems fixed like that. Imagine the whole world just fixed by your mom.Problem at work?Let me speak to your management.How can you not like my child?My baby is walking sunshine and a bundle of joy.They apologize and never goes against you.Isnt that a walking bed of roses.There's a scene from Marvelous Mrs.Maisel where she says to a group of protesters if women weren't distracted they can fix it.That is so damn true.When i finally opened ed page to know what's exactly is happening in my country.I got this...